Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Video 3/2/12 at

Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever. ~Author Unknown
In Memory of Ethel Esther Crocker
She taught me how to crochet, play cards and plant flowers.  We took summer adventures to Enchanted Village and Everett to spend weekends with my cousins.  I spent countless afternoons with her while she baby-sat for me after school.  I will always remember the wonderful times spent with her throughout my childhood and adult years.  She taught me life lessons that I will always cherish. 
On March 3, 2012 we had a beautiful celebration of her life and many great memories were shared.  Her legacy will live on.  We love you Grandma! 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, she was very good and loved you girls very much. Thanks again for all your hardwork and this beautiful slide show. Mom
