Sunday, August 26, 2012

I Love you to the Moon & Back (then back again, then again after that...into Infinity)! are 9 1/2 months and just the apple of our eye!  You love to talk, talk, talk.  You say words like "MAMAAA" "DAAADA" "NIGH NIGH NIGH" and "BABBABA".  I think your Dad and I have figured out a meaning for each one.  This age has been such a blast.  We watch you just grow into yourself and take in everything along the way.  You love to try new foods and I would venture to say that we can throw out our stash of baby are over it!  You want ribs, chicken, spaghetti, meatloaf and pretty much anything that we eat - you want.  Your teeth are coming right in, and now you have 7!  Yes the 7th tooth just popped up on your bottom right.  You are such a wonderful are chill like your Dad.  Although now you will let us know if you don't like the fact we take away a toy or something that you want that you shouldn't have.  You still LOVE your bath time, toys, being outside and the swing.  Your newest adventure included a visit to our friends, the Campana's, they have a sandbox and you loved that too, but you also loved eating the sand!  Melissa told me not to worry you will just poop it Mommy let you eat sand - sometimes I even surprise myself.  You are a strong baby too.  I am amazed at how strong you are.  You pull yourself up on everything and cruise along furniture.  My guess is you will be walking in a month or two.  I am so proud of you and every milestone you reaching!  We have been all over the place this summer!  Combine our trips with your adventures you have taken with Andrea and Aidan (your baby-sitter / second mother and her son - your other favorite people) you are one lucky boy!  We are talking fairs, playgrounds, swimming, Hood Canal, Edmonds Beach, restaurants, the Farm, company BBQ's, etc. etc.  You are my lil' sidekick and if I am lucky enough you always will want to hang with your Mama!  Love you so much baby...Mommy & Daddy        

My sweet boy!  This smile will get me every time, I am in trouble!

On the ferry home from Hood Canal.  Just Mommy and Carson watching the sun go down.

The Southwest Washington Fair with your cousins, Auntie Steph and JJ.  I think this was one of your favorite days so far.  You just smiled all day.

Playing in your pool.

Loving BBQ ribs!

At the fair.  You were so tired, but didn't want to miss anything.

The look of pure contentment after one of our many evening walks.  You never want to come inside.

Sangio, the big red dog and baby Carson.  At coffee with cousin Tam!

Ribs were gnawin' on a bone!
Digging in the sand.

Umm...I think I am going to try a little.

Yep here I go!

It doesn't taste that good, but I am going to eat it anyways.

Mom see I didn't put it my mouth this time!

Carson's mischievous look.

He has me wrapped around his finger!


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